Current, Past and Continuing Projects

Computational Approach to Reasoning under Uncertainties and Incompleteness, and Applications

Bayesian Knowledge Base (BKB)

Augmented Knowledge Base (AKB) and Augmented Reasoning (AR)

Augmented Relational Database (ARDB), Augmented Deductive Database (ADDB) and Augmented Inductive Database (AIDB)

Temporal Reasoning

Automation of Knowledge Works

Cyber Threats and Security

President Obama has declared that the "cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation" and that "America's economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cyber-security."

In the past several years, research and studies about different aspects of the cyber space have grown exponentially. ESSAN, a high-tech research and development organization, has been at the forefront of these advances, in particular:

Cyber Terrain and Cyber Operations

Cyber Trust and Suspicion

Cyber Infrastructures

Cyber Observables

Big Data Analytics

In 2012, the Obama administration announced the Big Data Research and Development Initiative, which explored how big data could be used to address important problems facing the government. The initiative was composed of 84 different big data programs spread across six departments. ESSAN has been conducting big data research and development in the last several years. Below are some of the areas we are involved with:

Anytime Anywhere Information Retrieval and Tracking (AAIRT)

Cloud Computing

Biometrics Interoperability

Harnessing and Utilizing Massive Data

Data Management and Analysis of Big Data

Improve Situational Awareness to Help War-Fighters and Analysts and Provide Increased Support to Operations

Anytime-Anywhere Algorithms for processing Large Social Networks

Development of Scalable Algorithms for Real-Time Processing Imperfect Data in Distributed Data Stores

Development of Effective Human-Computer Interaction Tools

Extracting Insights from Huge Scientific Datasets and Finding Key Features

Social Media Stream Processing and Analysis

Large-Scale Distributed Processing

Human Terrain and Human Modeling

To truly comprehend the human terrain, it must encompass awareness and understanding of socio-cultural factors of the population from individuals to groups to organizations to nation states. The key enabler is the development of next-generation human geography and cultural intelligence tools that is able to organize human geography characteristics as drivers of human behavior and activity.

ESSAN has been a foremost and leading research organization in human terrain and related areas, especially socio-cultural factors. In addition, ESSAN has conducted research and development in human modeling and successfully applied the results in various domains. Drs. George Cybenko and Eugene Santos, Jr. are founding members of the Dartmouth Laboratory for Human Terrain. Drs. Eunice E. Santos and Eugene Santos, Jr. did pioneering works in cultural-infused social networks. Drs. George Cybenko , Eugene Santos, Jr. and Eunice E. Santos are all members of ESSAN's team.

In addition, Drs. Eugene Santos, Jr. and Eunice E. Santos formulated adversarial modeling and intent analyses, which are central to the study of many aspects of human terrain.

Human Geography and Cultural Intelligence

Computational Social Systems

Social Networks

Socio-Cultural Factors

Social Media Knowledge Extraction

Adversarial Modeling

Intent Analysis

Users Modeling


Insiders Threat

Disaster Management

Modeling Care Professional Beliefs and Biases

Modeling Human Error in Surgical Teams

Malpractice in Surgical settings

Modeling and Simulating Behavior of (IL-) legal cross-border migration

Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) covert network analysis

Physical and mental resiliency

Group dynamics

Soldier Health and Community Impact

Psychometric Software and Psychological Evaluations

Next Generation Technology Infrastructure

Mobile Technology


Processor utilization and management

Cloud Computing

Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Projects